teach english in hong kong

teach english in hong kong
teach english in hong kong
What does life look like as an expat living in Hong Kong? The scenery and cityscape are breathtaking, the food is some of the best in the world, and there’s always something new to do or explore, whether you’re interested in fashion, food, sports, or your work life. If you’re curious about what it would be like to live and work in this thriving global city, check out these expat jobs in Hong Kong.

The Benefits
Teaching English in Hong Kong isn’t for everyone, but if you’re a job seeker looking to get off on a good foot, it makes sense to look at one of Asia’s most economically stable countries. The small but bustling city of Hong Kong offers an international experience right within reach—it was ranked second-best city by expats according to HSBC's 2015 International Experience Index. There are plenty of expat jobs opportunities, and lots of perks. You could teach just English or also throw your hat into other industries as well. With attractive tax incentives that come with working abroad, there are plenty of jobs and great pay packages out there!
 Finding a good job starts with knowing what you want. If you just graduated and don’t yet have a professional background, or if you are looking to move up in your career ladder, then teaching English abroad is one way to make that happen. Don’t miss out on a great opportunity! While expat jobs opportunities in Hong Kong might be more limited than other countries like Japan, Korea, China or Singapore, it can still work for someone who wants to get their foot in first before moving on. It’s an option for those who love languages and teaching kids and adults alike—not to mention that its residents consider education very important.

Salary & Cost of Living
As of 2017, it's very easy to find teaching jobs and internships in Hong Kong. Many schools are willing to train native English speakers who have little experience or qualifications. The salaries vary, but most schools pay between HK$14,000 and HK$18,000 per month, depending on experience. If you can earn a TEFL certificate (which is both affordable and easy to do online), your salary will be closer to HK$20,000 per month. That's $1,700 USD—in a country with an excellent public transportation system that gives you access to great food at dirt-cheap prices! Because of high demand for teachers around Christmas time, some expats even receive bonuses for working these peak hours.
You can live comfortably on a teacher's salary, so you'll have plenty of disposable income to save up for some luxuries or travel. Aside from travel and entertainment, your biggest expenses will be your accommodation and groceries. Accommodation comes in many forms—from rent-controlled government housing with shared spaces to luxury apartments to guesthouses that you share with other expats—and it’s typically much cheaper than Western countries. If you can find a good apartment share, expect to pay HK$4,000 per month for a room large enough for two people (typically around 60 square meters). For one person, it should cost closer to HK$3,000 per month.

Requirements for English Teachers
Requirements for teaching English in Hong Kong vary depending on your preferred level of employment, whether you would like to teach adults or children, and what your teaching experience is. No matter where you decide to work, it is a good idea to have a university degree. Some employers may also require certification from English-speaking countries as well. Because Chinese students learn English differently than Westerners do, you should be able to teach at least three out of four language skills: speaking (both oral and listening), reading (comprehension), writing (writing sentences) and listening (listening comprehension). Depending on your interests, there are several types of jobs available including after-school programs for children that can last between 2-4 hours per day.

How to Apply as an English Teacher
There are plenty of English teacher jobs in Hong Kong available—and most of them don't require a university degree, either. If you’re thinking about teaching English abroad, consider that teaching jobs in Hong Kong offer a fast track to expat life and a chance to experience an Asian country with an international perspective. Apply as soon as possible because many schools hire their teachers during early March or April for summer courses; some start sooner.

Job Locations
Hong Kong has plenty of English teaching opportunities for English teachers. For those who want to teach overseas, Hong Kong is an ideal location. Expat teachers who want to pursue a career teaching English in Hong Kong will be able to find everything they need on SeekTeachers. You can post your resume, apply for jobs and share your cover letter with recruiters looking for experienced teachers. When you are accepted into a job opportunity, make sure that you obtain proper visas and teaching certification to ensure you can legally work there. Other highly-desired expat jobs in Hong Kong include internships and other forms of temporary employment such asas au pair positions. These types of positions may not pay well but they provide great experience in a new country and give you time to decide if teaching English abroad is right for you. If it is, then these temporary jobs could help lead to full-time employment at one of many schools throughout Hong Kong. The best way to get started finding English teaching jobs in Hong Kong is by registering on SeekTeachers today!

Interview Tips & How to Prepare
Before getting on a plane to your overseas job, do your research and learn everything you can about where you’re going. You’ll want to find out if there are any different cultural norms or special holidays that you should be aware of, what types of activities are offered by language schools, and how much it costs to live there. Narrow down some short-term (1–3 months) and long-term (6+ months) jobs that interest you so that once you arrive in Hong Kong, it will be easier for you to figure out where exactly you’d like to work. Also, because language schools typically require their teachers to have teaching certification, look into becoming certified prior to leaving for Hong Kong.
 Once you land, you’ll want to find a place to live. You’ll most likely be placed with a host family that will provide you with room and board, or you can rent your own apartment. Be aware that living expenses in Hong Kong are high compared to other places in Asia, so it is important that your teaching salary be sufficient enough to cover these expenses. If a host family seems like too much of an inconvenience, you may also have opportunities to rent apartments from fellow expats once you arrive.

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